Notes To Self For 2019

Marijuana Meditations

At my very first Coaches training for an organization I volunteer for, we had to write ourselves a letter. A year later, it would be sent to us. Not long ago, my letter arrived in the mail. It was a POWERFUL moment. A moment that brought tears, beautiful memories, happiness, joy and smiles.

To recreate this feel good sensation, yesterday I sat down, medicated with 9lb hammer dabs and hit my vape pen filled with some delightful mimosa from Trulieve Clearwater to meditate for 30 minutes on what I wanted to do differently in 2019. What did I want out of myself and 2019? What would I tell myself a year from now?

This is what followed…

Notes to Self for 2019

(1) Be more discerning of who you give time, money and energy too. #NeedBetterBoundaries #AndToStickToThem
You’re tried of feeling/allowing yourself to be used up or not valued. When you recognize someone is out strictly for self, say BYE FELICIA!, don’t look back and don’t feel bad.

(2) If they laugh at your goals and dreams, don’t keep them on your team! #HelpAndSupport #Teamwork
You deserve to have people who support you both publicly and privately. If they can’t offer support without overwhelming negativity, criticism, judgement and resentment, cut the dead weight and keep moving forward.

(3) Respect Yourself More.
You can’t be a turtle in your shell anymore. You need to stop retreating just to keep the peace. It isn’t working for you. Stand up for yourself with a fierce calmness instead of constantly back peddling. #ItsNotWorking

(4) Get Ready To Disappoint Others (To Improve Yourself). #Disappoint#SelfCareIsNotSelfish
Others will be disappointed in you because you will not be as accessible for their drama, emotional dumps, trauma, etc. Disappoint when necessary for yourself, family and your health, but never be a disappointment. There is a difference. Know that you are not a disappointment. You don’t owe everyone, everything they ask for.

(5) Travel More. #BeAcuriousExplorer #LetLoose
You miss it. It feeds your soul. It makes having to be around people tolerable. It makes being mindful less painful. It recharges your spirit. Take this time. Each Year.